دکتر جیکوب اوبلز

دکتر جیکاب اوبلز (متولد 1947 در آمستردام) بازنشسته رشته روانشناسی کودک و نوجوان است که همچنان در آمستردام در رشته خود مشغول به کار می‌باشد. در سال‌های 1979-2016 عضو هیئت علمی‌موسسه روانکاوی هلند در آمستردام، در سال‌های 1983-1987 معاون موسسه و در سال‌های 1998-2001 مدیر آنجا بود.
دکتر اوبلز متخصص روانکاوی کودک و نوجوان است. در سال‌های 2000-2015 در موسسه گرون-پراکن مدرس روانکاوی در اروپای شرقی بود. در حال حاضر مدرس روانکاوی در اروپای شرقی، روسیه، گرجستان، ایران و چین است.
وی به تازگی فوق لیسانس دیگری در زمینه فلسفه و ادبیات از دانشگاه آمستردام گرفته‌است.

آنچه از وی به چاپ رسیده است:

Ubbels, J. (1986). “Sublimation: The Vicissitudes of a Freudian Concept”.
Conference on Sublimation Dutch Society for Psychoanalysis.

Ubbels, J. (1988). “Acting out in Dreams and Daydreams.” Conference on
Acting Out Dutch Society for Psychoanalysis.

Ubbels, J. (1991). “I am not longer Afraid of You. A Case Study of Working
Through and Termination.” In: Schmukler, A. (ed.) “Saying Goodbye. A
Casebook of Termination in Child and Adolescent Analysis and Therapy.
Hillsdale: The Analytic Press.

Ubbels, J. (1992). “” Stoornissen in de Zelfwaardering bij Kinderen. Een
psychoanalytische benadering.” [“Disturbances in Self-Esteem of
Children. A PsychoAnalytic Approach”.]

Ubbels, J. (1993). “A case report of the Analysis of an Adolescent with
very low Self Esteem”. In: Groen-Prakken, H. & Ladan, A. (ed.).The Dutch
Annual of Psychoanalysis 1993. Amsterdam: Swets & Zeitlinger. 101-128.

Ubbels, J. (1995). « La réalité du fantasme inconscient », Revue française
de psychanalyse, vol. no 59, no. 1, 1995, pp. 133-148.

Ubbels, J. (1996). “De werkelijkheid van de onbewuste fantasie”. [“The
Reality of the Unconscious Fantasy”. Tijdschrift voor Psychoanalyse 2, 5-

Ubbels, J. (1996). “Perversie en Pervertering van de Overdracht”.
[Perversion and Perverting the Transference.”.] Tijdschrift voor
Psychoanalyse 2, 133-145.

Ubbels, J. (1996). “Verdriet en Rouw in een Kinderanalyse”. [“Grief and
Mourning in a Child Analysis”.] Van Gorcum: NPI-reeks.

Ubbels, J. (1998). “Trauma: Herinnering en Fantasie, Fantasie en
Herinnering”. [Trauma: Memory and Fantasy, Fantasy and Memory.”] In:
Baneke e.a. (red.) Trauma en Identiteit . Zwolle: Van Gorcum.

Ubbels, J. (1998). “Grenzen in een Psychoanalytische Behandeling”.
[“Limits: Finitude and Infinitude in Child Analysis”] NPI-Reeks. Zwolle:
Van Gorcum.

Ubbels, J. (1999). “Psychiatrie en Psychoanalyse in beweging, relevante
kwesties.” [Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis on the Move: Relevant Issues].
Tijdschrift voor Psychoanalyse 6 (3) & Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie.

Ubbels, J. (2003). “Hechtingstheorie en Psychoanalyse”. [“Attachment
Theory and Psychoanalysis”] Tijdschrift voor Psychoanalyse 9/2.

Ubbels, J. (2004). “Fragmenten uit de behandeling van een adolescent
met encopresis”. [Fragments out of the Psychoanalytic Treatment of an
Early Adolescnet with Encopresis”.] Tijdschrift voor Psychoanalyse 10/2.

Ubbels, J. (2005). “Freuds Seksualiteit en de Onze’. [“Freud’s Sexuality
and Ours”.] In: Dirckx, J. e.a. Het Nieuwe Taboe. Amsterdam: Boom.

Ubbels, J. (2007). “Interculturele Psychoanalyse.” [“Intercultural
Psychoanalysis”] Tijdschrift voor Psychoanalyse 13/2.

Ubbels, J. (2007). “Neurotic and Perverse Processen in Psychoanalysis.”
[“Neurotic and Perverse Processes in Psychoanalysis.”] Tijdschrift voor
Psychoanalyse 13, 4, 259-270.

Ubbels, J. (2008). “Werkelijkheid en Intersubjectiviteit in de Perversies”.
[“Reality and Intersubjectivity in Perversions.”] Tijdschrift voor
Psychoanalyse 14, 2, 97-111.

Ubbels, J. (2009). ”Ethnische Identiteit vanuit Psychoanalytisch
Perspectief”. [“Ethnic Identity from a Psychoanalytic Perspective”.] Thys,
M. & Gomperts, W. (red.) Vergezichten. Antwerpen: Garant.

Ubbels, J. (2009). “Karakter, Identiteit en Subjectivering in de
Adolescentie”. [“Character, Identity and Subjectification in Adolescence”.] Tijdschrift voor Psychoanalyse 15,4, 218-229.

Ubbels, J. (2011). “Latentie, een ontwikkelingsstap naar subjectwording”.
[“Latency, a developmental step in becoming- a- subject”.] Tijdschrift voor
Psychoanalyse 17, 2, 88-101.

Ubbels, J. (2012). “Transcultural Identity Formation within Power
Relationships.” Oei,K. (ed.) “Shreds”. Tilburg: University of Tilburg Press.

Ubbels. J. (2012). “Late Latentie- Vroege Puberteit”. [“Late Latency –
Early Adolescence”.] Tijdschrift voor Psychoanalyse 18, 2, 112 -124.

Ubbels, J. (2018). “Hans Keilson. Een Oproep tot Reflectie.” [Hans
Keilson’s Tryptichon: A Call for Reflexion.”]. Tijdschrift voor
Psychoanalyse 24, 2, 113-127.

Ubbels, J. (2018). “Over Perversies”. [“On Perversions”.] Tijdschrift voor
Psychoanalyse 24, 3., 220-222.

Accepted for Publication:

Ubbels, J. (2020). “Intersubjectiviteit in de Psychoanalyse van Kinderen
en Adolescenten”. [“Intersubjectivity in the Psychoanalysis of Children
and Adolescents”] Tijdschrift voor Psychoanalyse

Recent Papers:

Ubbels, J. (2018). Feminity – Masculinity: Ideology, Post-Modernism and
the Decentered Subject. Paper presented at COWAP-Conference in Tblisi
October 2018.

Ubbels, J. (2019). Some Remarks on the General Attitude of the Child
Analyst. Paper Presented at the (re-)start of the C/A Training Program
East-European Psychoanalysts [EPF-Conference Madrid].

Ubbels, J. (2019). Fragments of the Analysis of an Early Adolescent with
Encopresis. Paper presented at Psychoanalytic Conference in Tblisi June

Ubbels, J. (2019). Fragments of the Analysis of an Early Adolescent with
Enuresis. Paper presented at Psychoanalytic Conference in Tblisi June

Coming Papers:

Ubbels, J. (2020). The Philsophical Turn in Psychoanalysis. Paper for
Scientific Meeting Dutch Psychoanalytic Society February 6th 2020..

Ubbels, J. (2020). Free Association: Deconstruction, Construction and
Decentering of the Subject. Paper submitted for the EPF-Conference in
Vienna April 2020.

Ubbels, J. (2020). A Dynamic Psychoanalytic approach to Paedophilia.
Paper for Conference on Forensic Psychiatry in the Van Mesdag Kliniek te